Circulatory System/warm blooded or cold blooded

Sugar Gliders are marsupials, which means they are warm blooded and have a pouch. Sugar gliders have an average body temperature of 36.3 degrees Celcius. Sugar gliders have a circulatory system similar to humans, although not as complex. They have a four chambered heart (left and right ventricle, left and right atrium) and a closed circulatory system consisting of arteries and veins. This means that all blood that travels through their body is conatained in a blood vessel and is transported to and from the necessary areas. Closed sytems have blood flow through the body at a higher pressure and faster pace. Sugar gliders obtain their oxygen by breathing it in through their mouth/nose and the usage of lungs. They are too complex and have too many layers of cells to allow them to use simple diffusion. (

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